Japanese N64 - No TV signal - Help!

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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Japanese N64 - No TV signal - Help!

Post by /n64 »

Hello guys! I recently bought a japanese N64 in a pretty good shape. Got also a few japanese N64-games as well. However, when I try to hook it up to my TV via AV-Out the console doesn't show anything (I tried multiple games already). It turns on, but I can't see or hear anything. Can somebody help me please? What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
Btw. I live in Europe so I use the PAL-DC-Adapter which is working fine. I also triedd multiple AV-cables. Another question: Can I use a European Extension pak with a japanese console? Thanks again.

submitted by /u/N64_Fanboy
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