
[Released: 2017] A successor to the NES Classic Edition, this remake comes with twenty-one Super NES titles pre-installed, including the official release of Star Fox 2.

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Bustin' Moves
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Post by /classicSNESmini »

Ok so as I have no background of modding really anything, this has the potential to be a silly question. And if this is already a thing, i apologize.
But does anyone know the game Crashlands? Is it possible to/is there already a way to make it into a rom or play it using the snes mini?
I know it's not just like 'click' "ok game is now a rom" and that it may not even be possible, but I just thought since it's a pretty low graphic and "simple" by design, maybe it is small enough for it to be turned into a rom. (See, my non-experience is showing ?)

submitted by /u/C9xLONESTAR
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