SMS games you've never finished?

[Released: 1985] One of the most unusual features of the Sega Master System is its dual media inputs: one cartridge slot and one card slot. The card slot accepted small cards about the size of a credit card.

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SMS games you've never finished?

Post by /markiiisystem »

I'd like to know which games you have never finished on the Master System for their difficulty and talk about how much did you try.
The first one I think is Shadow Dancer.. even 25 years later I think I'll never ever finish this game. I remember no matter how much we tried, the Space Shuttle level was the last we could get (and I think I remember only two or three times we could arrive there). Each final boss were so difficult that every time the game wasn't really nice to play. Looking at some longplay review it seems easier than it is but the balance of the difficulty is simply wrong imho.
Also After Burner and Space Harrier and Ecco, I couldn't find the patience to finish them.
What about you?

submitted by /u/f982
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