Trying to buy my first DS, advice please!

[Released: 2011] The 3DS is similar to the DS, but is capable of projecting stereoscopic 3D effects without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories. A redesigned "XL" version of the console was also released.

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Trying to buy my first DS, advice please!

Post by /3ds »

Due to being stuck at home and physically unable to do a lot of my usual hobbies, I’m thinking about investing in a 3DS. It’s mostly to make up for lost childhood, nearly all my friends had systems but my parents were very strict and I only got to play occasionally on friends’ systems.
A couple questions:

  1. Where can I buy a reliable New 3DS or a 3DS?
I know I want a smaller model since my hands are smaller (as in an iPhone 8 is a comfortable size but an iPhone X is not). I don’t have any strong opinions on differences between the two (leaning towards New for customization because I would like to have a cute system).

  1. How hard are games to buy?
I just want to start out with a basic Pokemon game, which I know can be bought on the eShop. I do want to get through a lot of Pokemon eventually, as well as some classic Mario/Kirby/Animal Crossing games.

  1. Is this a good idea at all?
Feels like a lot of places I’m looking right now indicate that these are somewhat outdated systems and everything is expensive/hard to fix if it breaks as a result. I’m not good with tech and completely new to the Nintendo world. The switch is uncomfortably big for me though, and I really want to try to play some games that I never got to play growing up.

submitted by /u/someofmybaggage
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