Space Harrier - Personal Review + Your Thoughts?

[Released: 1985] One of the most unusual features of the Sega Master System is its dual media inputs: one cartridge slot and one card slot. The card slot accepted small cards about the size of a credit card.

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Space Harrier - Personal Review + Your Thoughts?

Post by /markiiisystem »

So I'm playing Space Harrier for the first time on Master System. I have beaten Space Harrier 2 so I have some experience with the franchise. I want to break this down into things I like/dislike about the game. I've only been to stage 15 in the original so far. Some of these things are actually what the arcade did well and I'll be saying they transferred well in the port in that case.
Good Aspects:
1) For the technology I feel like the "scaling" looks superb and fluid.
2) They managed to keep a variety of enemies with unique patterns and movements which gives each stage a unique feeling.
3) Each stage has a layout that can be memorized. For example stage 9 and 14 (I think its 14) move incredibly fast but there is a definite pattern to object placement for the most part. It makes it less frustrating to go back and try again.
4) Its very different from almost every other console game of its time.
Bad Aspects:
1) Aiming is incredibly hard at times. In any sort of mayhem you'll have difficulty getting a good accurate shot off. Sometimes even when you do get what seems like a great shot off, it misses.
2) The continue system is hidden and YOU WILL NEED CONTINUES until you master the game and become a Jedi. It is kn the manual but if you were to pick up the game now, game only, you might not know about it.
3) Sometimes the difficulty feels artificial due to the aiming issue. Especially when the stages have a lot of obstacles and enemies. It becomes hard or near impossible to clear the enemies out which means you have to be a dodgeball master.
4) To make room for all the other epicness the backgrounds all became blank colors. I understand why but it does sort of stink.
I believe the game stands the test of time. If you arent an elitist or snob about games you should still be able to pop this one in and have a good time. The tougher you like your games the more you will enjoy this one, or did enjoy this one.
I'd give it an 8/10 rating only dropped by the shooting accuracy issues.

submitted by /u/SpeedOfSoundGaming
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