Ms Pacman audio issues

A video game arcade cabinet, also known as a video arcade machine or video coin-op, is the housing within which a video arcade game's hardware resides. Most cabinets designed since the 1990's conform to the JAMMA wiring standard.

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Ms Pacman audio issues

Post by /Arcade »

Hi! I'm new here! I just brought home a Ms Pacman Cocktail machine that needs a little bit of work.
The current issue I'm working on is audio. After extensive searching I haven't been able to find anyone with the same problem. To be honest though, I am brand new to and of the lingo associated with arcade cabinets. I know I'm in way over my head right now. So, if this has been posted before, please forgive me.
When the machine turns on, audio is great. But the longer it's on, the more distorted and garbled everything gets. There's also a low humming sound that gets louder the longer the system is on.
Additionally, the grounding wire to the frame of the speaker does not seem to do anything. I've read somewhere that the grounding wire to the speaker is supposed to be green/yellow and attach to the bolt on the speaker. However, the grounding connected to the speaker is two white wires soldered to a clip that actually clips onto the back of the speaker. However, whether it's attached or not does not seem to make any difference whatsoever.
I bought a new speaker from Twisted Quarter, but no dice. To be honest, I really didn't think that that would've fixed it, but it was pretty much all I knew how to do.
Some other things I've tried, that didn't help:
Wiggling the 44(?) Pin connector. Doesn't seem to help anything, even for a moment.
Wiggling the individual wires, specifically the speaker wires, where they connect to the connector/board. Same result. Nothing.
Physically attached a new wire to the frame of the speaker and held it to a part of the frame that is grounded.
This sounds like a grounding issue to me, but I just can't figure out what's actually going wrong.
Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/CivilAlloy
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