New Xbox Console “Project Scarlettâ€Â￾ Coming Next Year: “Eats Monsters for Breakfast.â€Â￾

[Released: 2013] Moving away from its predecessor's PowerPC-based architecture, the Xbox One marks a shift back to the x86 architecture used in the original Xbox; it features an AMD Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) built around the x86-64 instruction set.

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New Xbox Console “Project Scarlettâ€￾ Coming Next Year: “Eats Monsters for Breakfast.â€￾

Post by twinfinite »

Today, during Microsoft’s E3 press briefing in Los Angeles, Xbox finally talked about its upcoming next-generation console.
We heard that the console has been optimized for games. It promises the most immersive console experience ever.
Microsoft showcased a trailer with its developers talking about the upcoming hardware, including backward compatibility, cross-generation gameplay, and more. You can watch the video below.
A state-of-the-art processor has been co-engineered with AMD and looks like the console is really powerful, even if we don’t yet know just how powerful. The developers starring in the video certainly appeared to be rather bullish about it.
Here’s what Microsoft has to say about it:
[INDENT]“Introducing Project Scarlett. Unmatched power and speed ushers in a new level of game play performance and the future of gaming. With four generations of content that looks and feels unlike anything before.”
[/INDENT]The console will release in the 2020 holiday season.
You can also check out the whole press conference for a full look at all the news revealed today under Microsoft’s large umbrella.

The post New Xbox Console “Project Scarlett” Coming Next Year: “Eats Monsters for Breakfast.” appeared first on Twinfinite.

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