Is it theoretically possible to play MGS 5 on a 3ds?

[Released: 2011] The 3DS is similar to the DS, but is capable of projecting stereoscopic 3D effects without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories. A redesigned "XL" version of the console was also released.

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Is it theoretically possible to play MGS 5 on a 3ds?

Post by /3ds »

It'd obviously run like absolute ass. This console can barely run MGS 3 at a stable 20 fps. But would it be possible to just play The Phantom Pain (or Ground Zero) on a 3ds? I'd take MGS 4 even. That game makes a ps3 into a jet engine it's so taxing.
You'd probably have to download an Emulator for some other console. Probably a Ps3 emulator I'd think. I don't even know if that's possible, but you can download all sorts of things you'd not expect to work on a 3ds, on a 3ds. If you got it to work, and that's a big if, it'd probably run at a laggy 2 maybe 3 frames a second. Most likely crashing the system when any weather besides sun or cloudy happens or any type of grenade goes off.
I don't even know why I want this so badly. I think it's just to see the frame rates have a Limbo contest. Maybe it's the novelty of MGS 5 but portable. I don't know. But if anybody can make this happen I want, no, need to see it.

submitted by /u/Papus_Devitous
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