New Pound HDMI cable shows static instead of flubber, while my old Pound cable doesn't

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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New Pound HDMI cable shows static instead of flubber, while my old Pound cable doesn't

Post by /xbox »

This is a weird issue. I recently ordered a 2nd Pound HDMI cable for my 2nd Xbox that I'm working on, and on boot, my monitor shows static instead of the flubber boot animation. After some time the screen briefly goes black, then I'm greeted to XBMC.

Meanwhile, I also have the older 1st-gen Pound cable (the one with the integrated male-HDMI cable end, instead of the new female-HDMI port) and it has never given me this issue.

Have you guys seen this before? It looks like plugging a USB cable into the adapter has helped, but I really don't want to have to keep a USB cable plugged in all the time when my old cable didn't even have the option. EDIT: it's not working even with the cable plugged in.

I should note that this happens on both my 1.1 and my 1.6 boxes.

EDIT: It seems like my monitor and HDMI switch don't like switching between 480i during the flubber to the 1080i at other times. This doesn't explain the fact that I wasn't having this problem just seconds ago with the other cable, but my regular TV seems to be happy with the new cable. This is weird.

submitted by /u/ProfXavier
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