SNES not connecting to computer. But everything else I plug into same usb drive does show up on computer.

[Released: 2017] A successor to the NES Classic Edition, this remake comes with twenty-one Super NES titles pre-installed, including the official release of Star Fox 2.

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SNES not connecting to computer. But everything else I plug into same usb drive does show up on computer.

Post by /classicSNESmini »

I recently just bought snes classic. I've literally been looking for any way possible to mod it. I'm new to this in every single way possible. I've literally done every single thing I can find on the internet all day. Ive tried older versions of hakchi and hakchi2. Finally got latest version. I do every single thing the kernel prompts me to do and nothing. I've tried installing drivers, but nothing even pops up, not even unrecognized device. Its literally just blank in the zadig. I've went through all the settings in both zadig and hakchi2 and I think my computer isnt reading the damn device. Its plugged in, if I turn the power on, it turns on. But my computer doesnt ding or pop up anything that says anything is even connected. Not even the unrecognized device. I did the hold the reset button, turn power on, wait 3-5 seconds, let go of reset and still nothing pops up. I have windows 10, Dell inspiron I believe. I've been googling all day and everything. It's a legit snes mini classic edition as well. I'm just not understanding. I've tried literally every thing I've found, every usb port. I've tried multiple usb cables, like 4 or 5 of them and nothing. I've restarted the computer idk how many times. I just want some more games on it. I didnt realize when I bought it that it didnt play the cartridges. So I feel like an idiot lol. Just please, SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME ANSWERS. I'm not as computer savvy as I was in high school. But I can figure stuff out if I get some different input then every single thing I have tried. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/cunexttuesday91
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