Cps2 conversion: Darkstalkers to Vampire Saviour

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Cps2 conversion: Darkstalkers to Vampire Saviour

Post by Arcade-Projects »

Hello everybody!
A friend of mine asked me to install him the -ud Infinikey in a original DarkStalkers he had bought. We were suprised to discover when I open the Cps2, that it hadn´t a battery already, so it is an phoenixed board.
Since it isn´t a original game anymore, my buddy asked me if it would be too difficult to change the game to 'Vampire Saviour: Lord of Vimpire', since he likes it very much. My idea on this project would be, if it is possible, to burn original encripted roms to use the buyed everkey, but I do have several questions about it.

  • Does Vampire Saviour have a daughter board?
  • Is there any place with information on cps2 games and which ones do use daughter boards?, I´m not quite sure if the original game use that board,
  • it would be possible to do that game swap without it..?

On the rest of the process I assume changing the pal chip and the jumpers in the same configuration as my multi kit in that rev 4 board, should work just fine.

what do you think about this guys?

Thanks a lot!

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