[Released: 2017] The Switch is considered by Nintendo as a "hybrid" console. The main console unit connects to a television and can be removed from the dock and can function similar to a tablet through its LCD touchscreen. The system is region free.

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Post by GBAtemp »

Hack SXOS License (no spoof)​the purpose of this script is to change the license decryption key. which will allow you to create your own license. you will need to run sxos for the first time to create a license-request.dat file which you will then retrieve from the SD. then you copied it to a folder containing the boot.dat file (unmodified) and the script. you run the script that will modify the boot.dat file to replace the license key and create a license that...

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Source: https://gbatemp.net/threads/hack-sxos.582831/
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