So I finally started playing around with box64 and got Xonotic and The Dark Mod running on a pi 5.

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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So I finally started playing around with box64 and got Xonotic and The Dark Mod running on a pi 5.

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I've known about box64 and box86 for a long time, but I never really played with either for a variety of reasons that mostly add up to I didn't think it would work very well... I found out last night, that it works pretty well :)...

Couple of disclaimers... I installed box64 using pi-apps... I don't have box86 working. I'm running raspberry pi OS "bookworm" on a pi5. I didn't really realize that once you install box64, 64 bit linux executables can just be executed on the command line as though you were running on the correct hardware, (very cool).

There are a few games that I've wanted to run on the pi for awhile now but were always out of reach because they are hard to build from source, and nobody working on the project seemed interested in targeting a relatively obscure architecture/platform. So far I've had 2 successes and 1 failure with this approach....



this one is a favorite of mine for a long time and is a favorite at lan parties because it's free, everybody can download it, and it's just a good time... I've always wanted this game to work on a pi because in theory if somebody didn't have a pc, you could toss them a pi and they are off to the races...

this game runs very well using box64 on a pi5... very smooth, graphics dialed all the way up... I did have to use the sdl version because for some reason the glx version the sound would cut out after a bit of game play, the sdl version didn't seem to suffer from this problem.

The Dark Mod:

I've wanted to try this game for a long time, and just never have.. I was a big fan of the "Thief" games back in the day which are the inspiration for the Dark Mod... like Xonotic, there simply isn't an arm/linux build... The game seemed very playable... the only weird bit was I had to start it from the command line with "MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.3 " before it would start working.


Urban Terror:

Urban Terror is another one of those games that's great at lan parties... it's basically a couterstrike clone that is free to download and everybody can just play.... I really wanted this one to work, but it just crashes when I try to start it.


After these promising results, I'm now interested in seeing what else I can get to run. I have been very impressed with the pi 5's graphical abilities and overall performance. I'm somewhat interested to see if I can get "AppImages" built for x64 to run on the pi... that might be a bit of a stretch, but who knows, maybe...
submitted by /u/pfharlockk
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Source: ... ith_box64/
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