Will I ever get to play my copy of Shenmue?

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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Will I ever get to play my copy of Shenmue?

Post by /dreamcast »

No matter what I do my prestine copy of Shenmue won't work on my Dreamcast. I have replaced the capacitors on the Gd Rom drive, and on the power supply. Also replaced the battery on it to keep time. It plays all of my other games flawlessly, even my copy of Marvel vs Capcom which is scratch without a problem.

I have also calibrated the potentiometer, and Shenmue just won't play, sometime it makes it to the game menu where it even starts to play that little video demo. Other times it won't even play, and some other times it'll play it but only while I start the console with the game in it. I mean it even plays Jet Set Radio without an issue.

I just don't get it? Why? And I know it's a common issue for Shenmue not to load properly but I just don't get it. My copy has no scratches, I was even happy that my copy was just like new.

At this point I have fixed my Dreamcast so much I have extended it's life for quite a few years more, and yet Shenmue refuses to play!!!

And yes I do have a GDEMU but I'm a sucker for physical media.

What can I do? Or is it just one of those "Well that's just the Shenmue game" situations?
submitted by /u/TrackPadSam89
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/dreamcast/comm ... f_shenmue/
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