Struggling to get 3.5" LCD Touchscreen working with Pi 4

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Struggling to get 3.5" LCD Touchscreen working with Pi 4

Post by /RaspberryPi »


I bought an Inland 3.5" TFT LCD Touchscreen from Micro Center to use with a 4G Raspberry Pi 4 and can't seem to get it working properly.

My current set up has the pi connected to my monitor via HDMI while the touchscreen is plugged in to the GPIO pins. All I'm trying to do at this point in my project is get the touchscreen functioning, but the one I got is not a plug-and-play, I need to install drivers.

All links point to here:

I've tried a couple different approaches including: [*]This comment on a post in this sub where OP had a similar issue to me.
With each failed attempt I reflashed my SD card with the most current version of Raspberry Pi OS. I've lost count, and in hindsight I wouldn't be surprised if that's contributing to the issue.

This is my most recent attempt, pulled this from the comment linked above:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo rm -rf LCD-show git clone chmod -R 755 LCD-show cd LCD-show/ sudo ./LCD35-show All of them have the same result after running "sudo ./LCD35-show": The pi reboots, the monitor goes black, displays the rainbow splash screen for a second, the touchscreen changes from a blank white screen to black, and my monitor displays a black screen with a small blinking white horizontal bar in the upper left hand corner and it doesn't ever change nor respond to keyboard/mouse input. I also found this described in this post

From everything I've seen thus far I'm not doing anything too far off from what's supposed to work, and I know other people with Pi 4s have had success with this touchscreen, but I keep getting black screens and the little blinking bar.

I know it's possible that I have a faulty screen, or that the issue lies somewhere else in my hardware instead.

I think my next move is pulling out the SD card and looking at the config file, this video mentioned that it could be stemming from a resolution change and that does make sense so for the time being I'll look into that. I'll report back with anything else I figure out.

I'm very, very new to all this with this being my first pi project, let alone my first programming project so I apologize in advance if I phrased anything weirdly or incorrectly. I'm learning as I'm going and starting to understand the purpose each command serves, but I'm having a hard time figuring out where things could be going wrong so any troubleshooting recommendations or general advice on how to proceed would be much, much appreciated.


Using Bullseye instead of Bookworm gets desktop displaying properly on touchscreen... but the "touch" part isn't quite working.

While looking into other cases where folks get the black on boot after installing LCD drivers I found this raspberry pi forum post specifically for this issue. OP said they switched to Bullseye after having only run on Bookworm and that fixed it. I gave it a shot and it worked for me! I now have the desktop displaying on both the touchscreen and my monitor.

What I ran after installing an OS version using Bullseye was:

sudo rm -rf LCD-show git clone chmod -R 755 LCD-show cd LCD-show/ sudo ./LCD35-show ​
submitted by /u/milk_cig
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