Best game I’ve played in a long time…

[Released: 2020] The Xbox Series X is estimated to be four times as powerful, with support for 8K resolution and up to 120 frames-per-second rendering, with a nominal target of 4K resolution at 60 frames per second.

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Best game I’ve played in a long time…

Post by /xbox »


Not since I got my series X, downloaded Skyrim and a bunch of mods have I been so utterly absorbed and entertained by a game.

As an RPG fan Baldur’s Gate is gaming heaven. If you enjoy a fantasy setting (this being set in the realms of D&D) then you will love this. If you just enjoy well thought out, highly polished, absorbing gameplay then you will really love this.

Baldur’s Gate is a gaming banquet when compared to much of the fast-food offerings currently out there, who just want to hook you, drug-dealer style and rinse your wallet with micro-transactions.

If you are looking for something to settle into over the Christmas Holiday and into the new year I would strongly suggest you go for this over other recent very high profile releases, which I myself have already abandoned.

This game isn’t game of the year. It’s game of the decade.
submitted by /u/Dismal_Wizard
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Source: ... long_time/
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