Dreamcast (& retro) best components/settings

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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Dreamcast (& retro) best components/settings

Post by /dreamcast »

Hi all! I was wondering if I could get some guidance? I want to capture Dreamcast (and other retro systems like Saturn, PS2, Gamecube) on OBS.

I want to upscale as much as possible and use the best cables to make it look and sound it’s best. I see yt videos of games that look incredible which note they’re not using emulators and mine look quite bad lol. I’m just not really sure where to start. I have a Retrotink 5x but at the moment I’m using the default cables per system with it. I’m not sure where to go from here, I see people talk about SCart cables (through RetroAccess) but I see people talk about other cables as well and there’s sooo many options and upgrades that don’t seem to have explanations for newbies, plus different options from eBay and Amazon. Any pointers or guides for how to optimize my systems best?

Also feel free to link me to other threads. I see people talking about different cables here and on other subreddits but the differences & nuances go over my head a bit! 😭
submitted by /u/deardeere
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/dreamcast/comm ... ssettings/
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