Moved from Bullseye on a Pi Zero 1 to Bookworm on a Pi Zero 2W and now I can't get network over micro usb

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Moved from Bullseye on a Pi Zero 1 to Bookworm on a Pi Zero 2W and now I can't get network over micro usb

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Looking for troubleshooting steps if possible so I can get to the bottom of this.

I've been running pihole on an OG Pi Zero using a Chromecast usb+ethernet adapter for a wired network connection. I remember this working essentially out of the box, and not needing the same configuration steps required as using a Zero as a 'USB Gadget' connected directly to a PC.

However I wanted to upgrade to a Zero 2W and use the opportunity to upgrade to Bookworm 64-bit at the same time. I expected a few extra steps, for example, you can no longer use the default login, but I simply can't get the new device to show up on my network via the wired connection - WiFi works fine but I don't want to use WiFi for a pihole.

Unfortunately I don't really know how to troubleshoot this so I was hoping someone could suggest some steps or point me to any online resources that would take me through it. I'm running headless and so troubleshooting is slightly harder, although I suppose I could use ssh over WiFi to try to get the ethernet/usb interface up and running and then disable it again later.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Edit: I should mention - I'm using Raspberry Pi OS, not Debian itself.
submitted by /u/jzraikes
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Source: ... okworm_on/
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