Video Problems with Dreamcast PicoPSU / DreamPSU when using HDMI adapter or VGA BOX

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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Video Problems with Dreamcast PicoPSU / DreamPSU when using HDMI adapter or VGA BOX

Post by /dreamcast »


I repair, mod and fix dreamcast units. There is one thing I can't really understand and can't find a conclusive answer on the internet. When I replace the power supply with a DreamPSU and use the machine with a SCART or Composit cable, the image is clean. When I use it with a HDMI adapter or the VGA box, I tend to get rolling bars flowing over the whole image, which are not there when using the normal power supply. I use a Leicke 60Watt 12V 5A power supply, which tend to be a bit better than the cheap supply's they ship with the DreamPSU boards.

Does anyone have some info on this. Do I need to tweak something on this boards, to get a more clean image.

You can see the distortion in the link shared.
submitted by /u/Defiant_Channel_5182
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Source: ... _dreampsu/
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