Added a rarity today and it's a beauty. With Evolution 2 in the collection I'm a few steps from a full PAL Dreamcast lib

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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Added a rarity today and it's a beauty. With Evolution 2 in the collection I'm a few steps from a full PAL Dreamcast lib

Post by /dreamcast »


When this popped up of Facebook Marketplace a week back I messaged the seller within minutes (highly fortuitous timing) to say I wanted to buy this.

Well today I finally managed to pop along to have a quick drink and finish the transaction.

So here I am.

2 of the big 3 in hand.

12 games from the full set.

And a plan.

A plan to aquire all 217 PAL games before the year is out.

This console will likely be the only one I full set because it means so much to me. A collection started more than 2 decades ago will be completed before the year is out.

As for Evolution 2 itself... a stack of DIY will see that have to wait a bit for my attention but I'm hopeful it can build on a fairly solid first game.
submitted by /u/Ben0ut
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