Still possible to change your tag on the 360? Specifically one that's over 12 letters?

[Released: 2005] As the second console from Microsoft, the XBOX 360 completely sold out upon release in all regions except in Japan. About 33% of all consoles became defective making it the most unreliable console ever created.

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Still possible to change your tag on the 360? Specifically one that's over 12 letters?

Post by /xB360 »

Also I don't mean when making a new account or using a free name change, I've heard those still work fine.
I'm specifically asking about paying $9.99 on the 360 to make a tag over 12 letters. I've been trying the past few days but no luck. Tried my credit card, PayPal, friend's credit card, and yet I keep getting a "this could not be authorized try another payment method" error message.
Anyone this past year or few months pay for a new gamertag? Wondering if this is a common issue or just me.

submitted by /u/FatalFinality
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