Need name of title for a game I used to play

[Released: 2000] The PS2 was video game console of all time, selling over 150 million units. More than 3,800 game titles have been released for the PS2 since launch, and more than 1.5 billion copies have been sold.

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Need name of title for a game I used to play

Post by /playstation2 »

When I was younger, my brother in law let me play a certain game on either the PS1 or PS2 (I’m actually leaning more towards PS1 now that I think about it). I can only remember that it was a split screen “fightingâ€￾ game that had colored rooms like one was red, one was green, one was blue, and I think the characters were animals. I don’t think it was Splatoon or Fur Fighters. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

submitted by /u/bigbear0320
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