Why do companies not make repros?

[Released: 2000] The PS2 was video game console of all time, selling over 150 million units. More than 3,800 game titles have been released for the PS2 since launch, and more than 1.5 billion copies have been sold.

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Why do companies not make repros?

Post by /playstation2 »

I get that they want to focus on the new generation but I was recently looking at the silent hill prices and it almost seems like a no brainer to me, especially in the case of rare games. I have seen that there are third party reproduction games but some of them require you to hack your console which at that point you might as well emulate it. I think that especially with disc based games, we may see some games become more and more rare as they're a lot less durable format than cartridges. While sure it may take away the collectability factor for some, I personally wouldn't care if my now $100 copy of silent hill 4 plummeted to $30 or was less rare. I feel like this wouldn't be much of the problem if some companies weren't so bad about porting. Like great the only way I can play silent hill 2 now is by shelling out $120 or playing a ****ty port or waiting for a complete overhaul of the game. Hell, ports aside, people like myself still have a thing for playing it on the original console. Would playing it on a repro ruin the authenticity of that experience? I'm not for certain but I believe it should at least be an option

submitted by /u/YezzyWazGud
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