Squad shooter recommendations ?

[Released: 2013] Moving away from its predecessor's PowerPC-based architecture, the Xbox One marks a shift back to the x86 architecture used in the original Xbox; it features an AMD Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) built around the x86-64 instruction set.

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Squad shooter recommendations ?

Post by /xboxone »

As per the title really, my platform is an ageing Xbone.
It's a game genre I've only visited a few times over the years but it's been a blast each time. I'm looking for games with larger squad / team sizes, like 8+ players per team. Past games I've loved included Team Fortress Classic , M.A.G. and the original Battlefield 1942.
The Battlefield franchise would've been ideal but it seems to have died off, the last title I could find in Store was dated 2018 and the reviews on the last few titles have mostly been bad. BF1 has folks playing with active cheats ??
I'm on Gamepass, I'd like to keep the costs down if possible. Thanks.

submitted by /u/draxenato
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