Hard Modded Xbox stuck on boot screen

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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Hard Modded Xbox stuck on boot screen

Post by /xbox »

Hi, i just recently got a hard modded xbox with an Aladdin chip and Evo X logo on boot screen, i wanted to install some games but when in turn on the console it had the original dashboard, i burned a game to see if it works and it did, the next day i gave my xbox to a friend so he could install Unleash X while I was at work, later that same day i came back home with my xbox, when i turned on the console it just stays on the boot screen with the EvoX logo, i later found out about dual boot, so i tried it to see if the console still works without the chip activated, and it did, console works fine without the chip activated, but gets stuck on the boot screen with the chip activated, i also tried to see what happen if i left the console on with a disc inside but i gets me nowhere what should i do now? is there a way to fix this? My Friend has a hard modded xbox too, i don't know if there is any way to check my hdd on his.

submitted by /u/CrisGCN
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