Does anyone else find the original Gameboy library to be a more satisfactory gaming experience than the NES library?

[Released: 1989] The Game Boy is Nintendo's second handheld system following the Game & Watch series. Despite many other technologically superior handheld consoles introduced during its lifetime, the Game Boy was a tremendous success.

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Does anyone else find the original Gameboy library to be a more satisfactory gaming experience than the NES library?

Post by /gameboy »

The NES is my first great love thanks to being introduced to super Mario Brothers at a very young age. For some reason the more retro games I play from the 8-Bit and 16-bit era, the more I find it increasingly difficult to go back to the old NES library. I've noticed that this has not been the case for Gameboy games. Even though the game boy games are in monochrome and the handheld itself is a seemingly less advanced gaming experience, I never seem to tire of them unlike NES games. I practically find NES games unplayable at this point. I've been trying to figure out why that is and I've come up with a couple of ideas.
I think because the NES proceeded the Gameboy, NES development was more of a testing ground since it was the early days of 8-bit gaming and was replaced by the super Nintendo several years before the Gameboy was replaced by The Gameboy Color. Therefore the handheld library benefited from the development lessons and choices made on the NES.
I would be curious to hear what others think whether they feel the same or not. Perhaps there are some NES games I should try that might make reconsider my position?

submitted by /u/Rusty_Shackleford_5
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