Gameboy Advance has problems running specific games?

[Released: 1989] The Game Boy is Nintendo's second handheld system following the Game & Watch series. Despite many other technologically superior handheld consoles introduced during its lifetime, the Game Boy was a tremendous success.

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Gameboy Advance has problems running specific games?

Post by /gameboy »

So I have three games, Kirby's Dreamland (for the GB) Namco's Museum and Spyro 3 for the GBA.
Dreamland works fine in the GBC, and Namco Museum works fine on the DS, but they freeze up on the GBA.
However, Spyro 3 works perfectly fine on the GBA, same goes for Final Fantasy V...
So all the games work, and the handhelds, but the GBA refused to play a random selection of games..?

submitted by /u/****in-it
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