Best games that haven't been translated, even fan translation?

[Released: 1983] The best-selling gaming console of its time. With the NES, Nintendo introduced a now-standard business model of licensing third-party developers, authorizing them to produce and distribute software for Nintendo's platform.

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Best games that haven't been translated, even fan translation?

Post by /nes »

You see, a friend and I are undertaking a project to translate NES games into Esperanto, and it occurred to me that translating games that aren't available in English might help to improve the appeal of Esperanto relative to its current-day de facto rival for the position of international lingua franca, English, by increasing the pool of content available through it. So, what are some games that haven't been even fan-translated? (Yes, I read Japanese, though any games in other languages that haven't been translated to English would be welcome too.)

submitted by /u/Terpomo11
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