Help on fixing button issues? Besides more cleaning.

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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Help on fixing button issues? Besides more cleaning.

Post by /n64 »

So I've recently come across two n64 controllers that have fantastic sticks! The problem is, there are issues with the buttons on both and I haven't figured out a solution.
Controller 1: Some of the c-buttons, and especially the B-button, isn't clicky. It has a squishy/spongy feel to it, almost as if it's already being pressed down, but it's not. But no noise is made when you press it. Feels very unsatisfying. Like it's loose or something.
Controller 2: The A and B buttons work and click nicely, but if you press them very lightly, they don't register at all. I'm pretty sure that the buttons should register a press no matter how lightly you tap them. Haven't come across this on other controllers.
I've disassembled both today, cleaned all the buttons with soap/water along with the controller button-holes, plus the rubber covers. I also used IPA and a q-tip on the circuit board contacts where the buttons make contact. Everything feels the same; it's as if I had done nothing. Is it possible on Controller 1 the buttons have just worn away and are now too small for the holes and it's making it too easy to press? They don't look too bad. No idea on Controller 2.
I'm at the point where I'm about to swap good buttons into these controllers. Or maybe it's easiest to just swap these good sticks into other controllers with bad sticks. Anyone had issues like these that wasn't resolved with basic cleaning?

submitted by /u/cyber53
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