Tribute64 gate/analog sensitivity information - for anyone interested

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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Tribute64 gate/analog sensitivity information - for anyone interested

Post by /n64 »

So after doing some research on which 3rd party controller has an analog most similar to the OEM I myself had some questions on the wired vs wireless Tribute64 controllers and how the analog was affected as I had heard some people say they weren't the same.
Apparently the wireless controllers have an improved gate/sensitivity that is closer to an OEM controller. However, that led me to question how different the wired version is to the wireless. I saw some comments/people saying that newer revisions of the wired controller also have an improved gate/sensitivity.
This further led me to ask - ok, how can I tell which wired version is revised and which has the old sensitivity configuration? So, I came across a video (link below) and around the 5:40 mark the speaker indicates that newer revisions have a better sensitivity than older ones. He goes on in the comments to mention that the newer colors have this better sensitivity. Apparently these colors are classic grey, atomic purple, and sea salt ice cream.
This is just an fyi for anyone looking for 3rd party controllers with the best possible analog stick sensitivity. However, I will say that I don't own any of the older style Tribute64 controllers so I cannot verify. I simply am sharing what I found as I myself was looking for controllers and ended up settling on a grey and atomic purple wired Tribute64 controller. If anyone can verify/disprove this info that would be great, too.

submitted by /u/stroggaxis
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