Legend of Zelda in a NES black box? MY TAKE ON THE CES MANUAL ! Work in progress !

[Released: 1983] The best-selling gaming console of its time. With the NES, Nintendo introduced a now-standard business model of licensing third-party developers, authorizing them to produce and distribute software for Nintendo's platform.

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Legend of Zelda in a NES black box? MY TAKE ON THE CES MANUAL ! Work in progress !

Post by /nes »

Image I have been almost 11 years in reddit and I still don´t know how to make a real post. So, bare with my stupidity. Previous one was deleted by me because I couldn´t update/edit anything and got mad at myself.
so like that song from the 90´s
here we go again !
Everything started here:

https://preview.redd.it/2e48x4uiygw91.p ... p&32927e2c
The inspiration
I do repros for a living but sometimes small jobs like this ones are more challenging and rewarding than my usual work. In this reddit post I´ll add part of the process. It´s worth noting that is still a work in progress ! However sometimes is more interesting the journey than the actual goal.
So, here is
  1. The start

Beautiful guidelines. Best invention since the wheel and electricity,
Some guidelines to "understand" the design
The easy part were the fonts. Usually is Swiss or Helvetica in 99.999999 % of the japanese designs from the late 80´s to early 90´s. I choose Helvetica because I like to see the world burn.

Helvetica or Swiss? I couldn´t care less. . . Helvetica is easier to find.
Early comparison to be clear on color schematics/font and overall proportions.
  1. Vectoring the Elements: LINK !

Another Idea. . . a book where adults can color pixels. . .
This Link was not designed by me. At the bottom of this post, check the original designer. I take credit for the vector part.
Looks amazing !
  1. Vectoring the Elements: The Dungeon
I download the dungeon sprite sheet, and then vector the door and some parts of the walls. Then figure it out the correct "aspect ratio" of the original Image. Took a couple of hours to understand the shrinking.

sprite sheet of the dungeon.
My grid, to understand the blocks and the overall layout

  1. Vectoring the Elements: Nintendo logos
Again is . . swiss font and some vector trickery to get it right (kerning, spacing. Some nerdy designer stuff). And another small trick to do the spikes that usually surrounds this kind of seals.

https://preview.redd.it/magja6avzgw91.p ... p&21be7905
  1. Side to side comparison
The link design and shading is spot on. Colors are taken directly but will be revisited for my printable final version. The door needs some extra loving care and a few heres, and theres. . .

https://preview.redd.it/s5rc9l5yzgw91.p ... p&07f7c24a
  1. The aftermath
Why I am doing this? Well. . . artist like me around the world are struggling and I need to keep the lights on. If you like what you see, just help another human being to have a decent life in one of the most feral and difficult cities around the world.
You want a cool piece of gaming history framed in your mancave?
You have a crazy ass idea for your mancave on a budget?
Send me a PM.
I like challenges !
  1. The final result (Minus the bat)
Artistic liberties: The floor and the size of the Gribdos. Also the white stripes pretty much kills the intention and the design looks awfully bad if I left all lines in digitally boring white. So, blue hues comes to the rescue.
I also redrawn the key hole in pixelated form, makes much more sense this way tham the original one and will look much better on a big poster.
WHy I left the bat out?
Because I am afraid of bats, and You will have your bat when you buy a copy. I ask Ozzy Osbourne and he´s 1000% agree with me.
Intentionally left the bat out !
  1. The future
Maybe I´ll do a matching sticker and a manual . . . and save for my own house and learn how to play the french horn. The future is a beautiful and very messy thing !
a Box is in the works. Always wanted to do a black version of some of my favourite games . . .

The box template is not mine. Just messing around with a file I find on internet.
Poster is available for SELL on my twitter account or DM me here.
(Just type JUEGAME. Is the logo on Orange/black and white)
Design credits:
The original Link shown in my work comes from this designer. I took credit for the vector part, but the color palette, the shading and the heavy lifting is his.
The printable box that I am playing with in PS comes from this deviant artist.
I do this for a living hence my handler is everywhere. Is this shame autopublicity? Yes it is. If the Kardashians basically made a living out of their arses and instagram, maybe I can make a living doing nerdy pixel-ish repros for another fellow geeks.
I can do ANY pixel related repro from ATARI TILL PS1 ERA. Things afterwards just gets too confusing and way too many pixels. . . so I kindly refuse.
I am proudly located in Bogotá - Colombia.

submitted by /u/jueGAME
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