Unlock hard drive without eeprom

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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Unlock hard drive without eeprom

Post by /xbox »

My motherboard died (no video + flashing red/green light). I want to backup my savegames and other data but my HDD is locked from the softmod. I don't know how to unlock it. I do not have an eeprom backup. What should I do?
I have tried using LiveView to make an eeprom with all 1's as the unique key, but unlocking it with Slax/Xboxhdm2 on my old XP machine doesn't do anything, it just says its still locked. I have also tried plugging my drive into my Win11 PC with an IDE to USB adapter, and tried to use Xboxhdm2usb, but it's erroring out. I also tried the latest FatXplorer beta and it's not detecting the drive. My PC does detect the drive, however (obviously can't access it though).
Incase it helps, I initially softmodded my Xbox back in 2017, I don't remember what softmod it was but later on I upgraded my hard drive and locked it with whatever the latest version of Chimp was at the time. Years later I updated my softmod to Rocky5's.

submitted by /u/_ENunn_
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