What are the most mechanically complex/in-depth games for the Xbox?

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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What are the most mechanically complex/in-depth games for the Xbox?

Post by /xbox »

I'm asking this to a few console subreddits at once, so please don't think you have experiencing heavy dejavu if you think you see this topic more than once. Haha.

I think it's fair to say that most videogames developed for 6th Generation consoles (Xbox, Gamecube, PS2) and prior were fairly simplistic. That doesn't mean there weren't excellent titles in general, sure, there's a boatload of fantastic games that stand up extremely well even today, but as a rule, most games, including ones considered the best on the consoles, were fairly simple when it came to their actual gameplay, and it was largely during the 7th generation when games really started to break out of this mold. However, on each 6th gen console and before, there were stand-outs in this regard. Games that were much more mechanically complex and in-depth compared to their peers, which stand toe-to-toe with many modern games in terms of these factors.

Here are a few examples of the sorts of games I'm talking about.

  • Metal gear solid 2/3
  • God Hand
  • S.L.A.I

  • Ninja Gaiden Black
  • Phantom Crash
  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon

The titles listed above were certainly a high step above others on the same system for having high amounts of mechanical depth and complexity to their game systems. Either from their fighting systems having a huge amount of nuance that could take literal years to master, or from having a wide amount of ways to approach situations in-game, or other such things.

I'm curious as to what other games exist for the Xbox that you would place in the same sort of boat as the games I listed for those systems. Just curious and looking to play some stuff that really lets me sink my teeth into its systems.

HARD MODE: No role-playing games (at least not turn-based ones) or fighting games. Main reason I say this is because all good fighting games are fairly mechanical by design and I feel it's kind of pointless to list those, and turn-based RPG's are... well, it's a very different sort of beast compared to what I'm looking for, I suppose. That's just hard mode though. Feel free to include these if you so choose.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/NeonAbomination
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