PS2 Slim Power Supply Compatibility

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PS2 Slim Power Supply Compatibility

Post by /playstation2 »

I haven't been able to find answers online that make a whole lot of sense so I'm just asking around right now. But is it possible to use a PSone Power Supply on a PS2 slim?
Sadly I cant check right now cause its at home and I'm away at school, but I've had this slim since maybe 2015-2016 and never thought twice about the power cable I was using, but looking online I saw it resembled a PSone cable and not a PS2 Slim cable.
What's bothering me about this is I've never run into any issues with the cable I've been using, but almost everywhere I've checked they say "it wont work" or "the ps2 wont turn on" or something along those lines. Which leads me to believe either people are just plain wrong, so I have some kind of rare/ tampered with power supply for my slim.
- TLDR; Is it normal to use a PSone Power Cable on a PS2 Slim and see no hiccups or problems from it when everywhere else says otherwise?

submitted by /u/Blu_Wraith98
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