PSP UMD Drive keep on reading even if there's NO UMD in it.

[Released: 2004] The PSP is the only handheld console to use an optical disc format as its primary storage medium. Other distinguishing features of the console include its large viewing screen and robust multi-media capabilities.

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PSP UMD Drive keep on reading even if there's NO UMD in it.

Post by /psp »

I realized that my PSP keeps on trying to read a UMD even tho there isn't a UMD in it. and because of that, it prevents the PSP from booting unless I open the UMD cover.
I know there's a NoUMD plugin to disable that thing. But I want to use the UMD drive.
Is it something wrong with the motherboard? Anybody know how to fix it?

submitted by /u/Chuyen1306
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