Deal or steal? I scored these bad boys for 120$. grade my deal from 1-10. ? + comment and question in comment section.

[Released: 2004] The PSP is the only handheld console to use an optical disc format as its primary storage medium. Other distinguishing features of the console include its large viewing screen and robust multi-media capabilities.

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Deal or steal? I scored these bad boys for 120$. grade my deal from 1-10. ? + comment and question in comment section.

Post by /psp »

Image TL DR; I got these from a guy off a site. Called him, told me that he wasn’t sure if they were still functioning properly any more, so it was a chance I had to take. Read on for full story.
So the above + I took a risk from buying from a guy on the other side of Sweden. So it was a risk I had to take, if they were broken, it was on me to fix them, but he was up front and said they were working before. He just couldn’t test them since he didn’t have batteries or charger for the psp and the vita charging port is broken (it’s a common issue apparently?)
I got them home and the psp works fine. ?However, one of the psp charging port is messed up somehow and it won’t let me stick in the charger all the way, and I don’t want to force it. But I used a reserve charged battery on it and it worked or it worked when I connected it to the charger without battery works fine as well ?.
The second issue is the vita as I mentioned which haven’t had the chance to try. Is there any other way to charge the vita or do I have to replace it? Seeing videos on YouTube, it’s quite a hassle to change them.
Also read somewhere on Reddit Sony replaces vita’s that are broken or send you basically a newer one if they can’t repair them.
Either way, I’m way happy right not as I got 5 psp for less than 200$ ???
Happy weekend fellow pspeers!

submitted by /u/Bobba_fat
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