XBox 360 Slim - Fan at full on start up (is this normal)?

[Released: 2005] As the second console from Microsoft, the XBOX 360 completely sold out upon release in all regions except in Japan. About 33% of all consoles became defective making it the most unreliable console ever created.

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XBox 360 Slim - Fan at full on start up (is this normal)?

Post by /xB360 »

Hello gurus of the 360 community! I am a brand new owner of an XBox 360 slim and I have a question about the normal fan speed for the console. I have never owned one before (PlayStation guy, sorry) so I am not sure if this is normal for the console or not. I brought it at a local retro game shop and have the option to return if need be.
But basically when I start the console up, is is quite for about 30 seconds. Then the fan kicks on at FULL blast and stays that way. The console works, doesn’t overheat or shut down, not red lights of deaths, and plays games fine.
I am concerned it is a cooling issue and if I have to return it, it will.
Is this normal operation for the 360 slim?

submitted by /u/EvilEd209
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