Anyone know where to find brand new in-box US PSP's for under $600?

[Released: 2004] The PSP is the only handheld console to use an optical disc format as its primary storage medium. Other distinguishing features of the console include its large viewing screen and robust multi-media capabilities.

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Anyone know where to find brand new in-box US PSP's for under $600?

Post by /psp »

A few years ago I got a silver PSP, I don't wanna get a japan-brand PSP as the Circle to X button swap is a big deal to me, I have bought used a few times and there was always an issue. When I receive a system I usually want it in mint condition and when I buy a used PSP there's always a problem with a button, a small scratch on the screen, slight corrosion on the battery slot, USB port is broken, etc. So I try to buy brand new even if it's expensive.
My current PSP has an issue where the R button is pressing down on its own, I am not techy enough to even attempt to open it, but would be willing to take it to a tech place in the US that would fix it for me. I bought this one brand new a few years back (2018) for about $400, so spending far more then that is practically out of the question.
I realize I'm kinda screwed here, I checked Google and eBay, the brand new ones in the US for a basic 3000 model cost like $1000 from what I've seen which is ridiculous, especially since only 5 years ago I bought it for less then half that. Any ideas? I am absolutely not confident to open this thing up and fix it and I don't have any friends or family that could do it either, my options are literally pay someone to fix it or buy a brand new PSP.

submitted by /u/Darskul
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