Texas A&M GameCube with Pico-boot, prism, and custom start sound!

[Released: 2001] The GameCube, with the Game Boy Player attachment, it is able to play Game Boy/Color, and Game Boy Advance titles. It's successor, the Wii, supports backward compatibility. Panasonic released a DVD player hybrid Gamecube.

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Texas A&M GameCube with Pico-boot, prism, and custom start sound!

Post by /gamecube »

[IMG]https://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/TosqLOuU0y4271RnI_UFtJjCVg3x5JXxY_MZk97IFc0.jpg[/IMG] Finally finished my Texas A&M GameCube! I used pico-boot/cube-boot and I am using the prism adapter for HDMI. The most interesting mod is I wired in a speaker and sound chip so that it plays the schools “War Hymnâ€￾ on boot up! I know it’s pretty niche but I had a lot of fun with the project and wanted to share! Gig ‘Em!

submitted by /u/Federal_Ad_2015
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