Need help finding a game

[Released: 1983] The best-selling gaming console of its time. With the NES, Nintendo introduced a now-standard business model of licensing third-party developers, authorizing them to produce and distribute software for Nintendo's platform.

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Need help finding a game

Post by /nes »

Hi, eveyone.
I'm desperatelly trying to find a game I used to play as a child, to show it to my young ones. Being a child in eastern Europe in the 90's meant that any gaming gear you had would most likely be an old NES or some chinese NES/SNES/SEGA clone, with some cartridges without it's plastic cover that you got from your cousins from Germany that no longer needed them and dumped them. That's why I don't remember the game cover or anything about it, except it was a platformer that you played as a mole or beaver. You could dig the ground, swim, dive and that's about it. Also, I remember that the game menu was in Japanese (I guess it was Japanese, it had an Eastern Asian script).
Does anyone know what game could it be? I tried googling so many things but no luck so far...

submitted by /u/kal_ilm
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