Extreme Beach Volleyball Naked Edition

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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Extreme Beach Volleyball Naked Edition

Post by /xbox »

I took my old Xbox out of storage and have started going through my old games. I fired up Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball and remembered that I had burned a hack version years back where all the characters are totally naked. It’s pretty ridiculous.
I actually tried to play the game for awhile and some of the main mechanics of the game are broken since the girls are always naked. So when you equip different swim suits, nothing happens.
I do want to play the game for real since it seems like it might be fun between the in game casino, the volleyball itself and just the ridiculousness of it all. I’ve got a hard drive coming in another week so when I get that installed I’m gonna download the regular version of the game and probably play that instead.
Is the hacked version rare? I can probably rip it and post it if it isn’t already easy to find online. I probably got it off Limewire or Kazaa or some **** back in the day.

submitted by /u/doctorlongghost
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