Help Finding a Game

[Released: 1994] Sony entered into an agreement with Nintendo to develop a CD-ROM attachment, for the Super Nintendo. Due to contractual problems it was never released, and instead, a modified version was introduced by Sony called the PlayStation.

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Help Finding a Game

Post by /playstation »

Hello everyone,
I've found myself once again interested in earlier Playstation content, but I'm trying to fill in the gaps in my memory. When I played the Playstation, I was very young, so I don't recall the names of many games I haven't kept. So it doesn't help that I'm fairly sure I'm looking for something that was a demo.
It's going to be a little vague, but here's what I can remember:
I recall controlling a truck/jeep type vehicle on a desert level. I want to say the level design was linear, but I honestly can't say with certainty. One of the weapons you could use was called the chaingun; in the sense of an autocannon. I think other vehicles were available as well, of the military kind.
Again, I'm fairly sure it was a demo. I also think it was a linear-ish game. Neither of these I'm certain on.

submitted by /u/Krag7Actual
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