David Wise plagiarized his track Angry Aztec in Donkey Kong 64

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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David Wise plagiarized his track Angry Aztec in Donkey Kong 64

Post by /n64 »

i found this years ago and streamed it on twitch but i don't have twitter, and i've been dying to ask him what he thinks about this. but essentially he lifted a riff from a Russian symphonic piece from a century ago. specifically Rimsky Korsakov's Scheherazade op.35
Useless backstory: every year i drive my grandpa from WA to AZ, and the only music he listens to is classical, on tape. and he won't listen to anything else. so driving 2574km without any music is a nightmare, and obviously i opt to listen to his tapes. anyway halfway through Utah i hear this riff, it took me less than a second to recognize it from Angry Aztec by David Wise. i told my grandpa and he didn't give a ****/had no idea what i was talking about, but i brought the tape home and transcribed the part, and sure as **** they're identical.
sorry but you'll have to do a little homework here since i don't have my original twitch stream anymore but here are the links
listen to this and go to 26:31 or 28:00 for the flute version which is a little easier to listen to.
and then go listen to Angry Aztec and go to 1:12

submitted by /u/kdubs
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