Random power off issue

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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Random power off issue

Post by /xbox »

Hey all, I'm trying to work out an issue with my Xbox, I've recently modded the console from stock to a OpenXenium mod chip with the MakeMHz HD+ board, I also setup a new hard drive with a clean format running Xbox4Gamers.
During the install, I replaced the stock fan, installed new terminal paste on the cpu and gpu and removed the clock cap.
That's been about three months now, everything has been working correctly and no issues have arisen since the install. However, recently, when playing, randomly the console will drop dead, this is a total loss of all power. This would appear to be a heat related issue at first, but I am having doubts, as the fan is steady (not revving up to deal with heat before the issue) and when rebooting to the dashboard, the cpu is 55C at most (around 50C mostly), no idea on the gpu's temp.
This has mostly happened in the last few days, the fault does not happen when knocking the console, so it does not appear to be a loss connection or bad solder (could be?), this happens during game play, or at a pause screen, or on the dashboard, this could be hours into a game, or five minutes, and upon turning on the console immediately after its turned off can cause it to turn off within seconds the same way (total loss of power).
My guess is it might be a cap, as all the caps are still original, and none of them appear to be showing any signs of being bad, however, they are nearly 20 years old.... The other thing it could be is a dying power supply due to a cap or age. The Xbox is a v1.4 MB with a v240 power supply. Has any one got any suggestions for this issue and how to solve it? Has anyone encountered some similar?
Thanks for any advice or ideas.

submitted by /u/thomst08
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