Faulty MV1C, garbage screen then work RAM error

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Faulty MV1C, garbage screen then work RAM error

Post by /neogeo »

I have an MV1C that I bought a while ago now that was premodded with unibios. Unfortunately the seller did not do a very good job of it and during shipping the glue and solder came loose. It would boot to garbage and get stuck on there as long as it was switched on. Now we have resoldered the bios back on and it still boots to garbage but after a little while it throws work RAM error 00100000 5555 0010. Is this definitely a faulty RAM chip or could it be bios related? I originally did not want a modded one but every single seller I could find premodded them as standard and it is giving me far more headache than it is worth

submitted by /u/TC_Oliver
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