Connecting to wifi via command line.

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Connecting to wifi via command line.

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I am trying to configure my wifi connection and connect via the command line. I have gone into the /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf file and added my wifi name and password and verified. But for the life of me, I can't connect to it.
I run
sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid key s:
followed by
sudo dhclient wlan0 Never connects. Just sits there and returns a command line like nothing happened.
Am I missing something? I had it working on Friday but had to blow it away for another issue. Now it won't.

submitted by /u/GrumpyHubby
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