Does this counts as "pfSense running on a Raspberry PI"? PIMOX + QEMU x86_64

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Does this counts as "pfSense running on a Raspberry PI"? PIMOX + QEMU x86_64

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Image PIMOX + pfSence on QEMU using x86_64 emulation. Yeah, as you would expect, IT RUNS, but it is just way too slow.
Install time was about 30m and boot up time is 6m.
To create a x86 vm in Pimox after configuring the VM normally the only thing needed is to open the vm config file on "/etc/pve/qemu-server/.conf" and add "arch: x86_64".
I only did it for testing, there is no way something like this would work for a home router or any kind of router really.
I didnt do much of tweaking to get more perf, it is running at 2Ghz, i went for ufs to save some cpu usage, but thats about it. It is running the virtio nic adapter that should be faster, but i havent tested if E1000 or 8139 are faster in this case, i dont think so. ... p&0abccc71 ... p&949a3ed5 ... p&9b216635 ... p&0693cf85 ... p&378d6e47 ... p&4d4f076a

submitted by /u/shivansps
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