Is it just me, or does the 1st Streets of Rage game play very clunky?

[Released: 1988] The Sega Genesis was Sega's most successful console; though Sega has never released a total sales figure quote. Several add-ons were created including the Sega CD and Sega 32X which extended its capabilities.

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Is it just me, or does the 1st Streets of Rage game play very clunky?

Post by /genesis »

Playing on Hard mode, and there are common enemies that as far as I can tell move and punch you faster than your character (Axel at least) can possibly physically react to. Feels like they're there just to get some cheap shots on you. Also, grabbing an enemy and trying to throw them behind you is VERY annoying because half the time it registers as you trying to move the oppsite direction and let go of the enemy. Stuff like this isn't an issue in the other games.

submitted by /u/JordonNester
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