Struggling with connecting Dualshock 3

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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Struggling with connecting Dualshock 3

Post by /psxclassic »

What I've done so far:
  • Installed the latest Project Eris
  • Updated 2 8bitdos (black version) to V1.02
  • Paired 2 Dualshock 3s with each individual 8bitdo, they both pair fine.
When in the PS Classic, usually 1 Dualshock will pair, the other won't. Sometimes they both will but they will unpair randomly, or buttons on the controllers won't work, making them unusable. I have tried holding down and select to fix the button issue, doesn't seem to do much besides make the light blink on the 8bitdo.
Anything I have overlooked or should try? In the 8bitdo app should I have clicked that I have the grey version even though I don't?
Also how do I know if a Dualshock 3 is charging? No lights come on when I plug them into a wall outlet. Lights only flash when connected to my PC.

submitted by /u/HyrulianVaultDweller
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