Pi zero 2 making noise

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Pi zero 2 making noise

Post by /RaspberryPi »

My pi is making a weird noise and it sounds like cicadas in the summer time or like a hiss. It’s not loud nor is it quiet, just enough to be a little annoying. My power supply is the 5v output of a Arduino which has a power supply of 4 9v battery’s in parallel. It’s working fine no over heating at all. And it only starts to make the noise when I plug my 5in screen I bought for it. When I unplug it the noise stops. Should I leave it since it works how it’s supposed to be though it makes noise or what could I do to stop it from doing that. I’ll leave it plugged off for now.

submitted by /u/Jhon_doe_isnt_here
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